Our Projects
A Mobile App on Inclusive Playspaces in HK
FUN TO GO! is a comprehensive database on inclusive play-space in HK for kids and families with all abilities to plan and look for a suitable inclusive play for themselves.
The app empowers kids and their families to take active roles in planning and organizing their own outdoor and recreation activities, according to their needs, interest and available amount of time.
Every spot and suggested outing route is rated by a set of inclusive criteria developed by iChange and TREATS, e.g. accessibility, fun, difficulty, travel time, etc.
With different search combinations and a user-friendly interface, just several clicks will allow kids and their families to easily pick an inclusive location to visit, from a hangout lasting for several hours, to a whole day outing!
It offers a wide variety of choices, and is simple to use, direct and user-driven. With FUN TO GO! mobile app, kids with all abilities and their families can simply press one click for inclusion!

iFun Day!
Inclusive Outdoor Guided Tour for Families
an outdoor tour for all
We organise iFun Day! Inclusive Outdoor Guided Tour for Families for children with disabilities and their families to have a fun day out and enjoy the wonderful countryside in HK!
By collaborating with local NGOs, we provide voluntary guided tours with fun facts, environmental information, games and activities for all kids and families. iChange volunteers engage every participant and connect different families to enjoy an inclusive outing!
Stay tuned to our upcoming guided tours!
2.10.2021 (Closed & Completed)
Family Fun Day @Tai Tam Reservoir
(for children and their families with all abilities; collaborated and supported by TREATS)
20-21.12.2021 (Closed & Completed)
Family Fun Day @Central
(for children and their families with all abilities; collaborated and supported by TREATS)